
gregory peck中文是什么意思

  • 格雷戈里 佩克
  • 格利戈利
  • 派克



  • 例句与用法
  • Among the celebrated pantheon of hollywood royalty , few are as well - respected and universally adored as gregory peck
  • Elegant performances by gregory peck and audrey hepburn in the 1953 hollywood classic " roman holiday " , made the ancient city a romantic destination
  • " and we came back swooning over gregory peck , " she recalled . this is one of the few places left in the world where you can see two sets of stars at the same time
    像sun pictures这样可以让人在繁"星"闪烁的夜空下欣赏电影明"星"大作的地方在当今世界可谓屈指可数。
  • One of the postwar era ' s most successful actors , gregory peck was long the moral conscience of the silver screen - - almost without exception , his performances embodied the virtues of strength , conviction and intelligence so highly valued by american audiences
    做为战后最成功的演员之一,格利高里?派克长期以来一直被认为是银屏上道德良知的化身- -他的表演几乎无一例外地体现了被美国观众极为崇尚的力量、信念和智慧的美德。
  • In addition , mr . karlin received 12 emmy nominations and won an emmy for best original score for the landmark tv drama , the autobiography of miss jane pittman , starring famed actress cicely tyson . other movies he has scored include yours , mine , and ours , starring lucille ball and henry fonda , michael crichton s westworld , loving couples starring shirley maclaine and susan sarandon , future world starring yul brynner , the stalking moon starring gregory peck , and many others
  • 其他语种释义
  • gregory peckとは意味:{人名} : グレゴリー?ペック◆男優。1916-2003。アラバマ物語(1962)でアカデミー主演男優賞を受賞。他に、ローマの休日(1953);大いなる西部(1958)など
  • 推荐英语阅读
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